
What Are the Differences Between Clay Mud Masks

Woman in clay mask
June 16, 2021 2276 view(s)
What Are the Differences Between Clay Mud Masks

It’s an image we see often when talking about skin care – a woman laying down with her face covered in a mask and cucumbers on her eyes. But what do these types of masks actually do, and what are the differences between the various types?

There are two distinct types of facial masks – clay and mud. Depending on the type of skin you have, you may want to choose one over the other. Let’s take a look at each and discuss the differences between clay and mud masks.

The Main Difference between Clay and Mud Masks

The differences between clay and mud masks have to do with what skin issues they are designed to treat. Clay masks absorb oils and impurities, brighten skin, calm inflammation and fight acne. Mud masks have healing properties, and they exfoliate, cleanse and nourish skin. Clay is better for oily skin, mud is better for dry skin.

Facial Clay Mask

bareMinerals Clay MaskThis type of facial mask works to absorb excess dirt and oil and clear acne. Most clay masks are also high in nutrients, which get absorbed into the skin and can have wonderful benefits, like tightening of sagging skin and exfoliation. A clay mask works wonders on someone who has oily skin or skin that is prone to breakouts, but should be avoided by those with dry, sensitive skin.

One tip for using a clay mask – don’t wait for it to completely dry and become flaky. Clay masks should be removed when they are still a little sticky to the touch.

We like: bareMinerals Claymates Mask Duo. Get the best of both worlds with this 2-in-one clay mask duo. You can target oily t-zone areas with the "Be Pure" mask, and target areas like cheeks in need of more hydration with the "Be Dewy" mask.

Facial Mud Mask

Ahaha Mud MaskClay masks can be drying and should be avoided by those with dry, sensitive skin.  If you fall into this category, mud masks are a better alternative for you. Mud masks offer many great benefits for your skin, including moisturization and cleansing. They have been known to improve blood flow, rejuvenate fatigued skin and make skin appear brighter, softer and stronger. Most of the mud masks on the market today contain added natural ingredients, like honey, and many contain minerals from the Dead Sea.

We like: Ahava Gold Mineral Mud Mask. It's a nourishing and hydrating mask that uses  24K gold to brighten skin and Dead Sea mud to detoxify clogged pores. 

[ Updated 6/16/2021, Originally Posted 9/7/2015 ]

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