Living Proof Perfect Hair Day (PhD) Night Cap Overnight Perfector 4 oz

Living Proof Perfect Hair Day (PhD) Night Cap Overnight Perfector 4 oz

Phyto PhytoSpecific Rich Hydration Mask 6.8 oz

Phyto PhytoSpecific Rich Hydration Mask 6.8 oz

Phyto PhytoSpecific Phytogrowth Spray For Hair Thinning 1.7 oz

A complete beauty care treatment for fine, thinning hair due to stress, fatigue, diet, or pregnancy. This product is a genuine source of vitality-combining a unique blend of botanical ingredients with Phyto's sulphur-rich peptide complex, capigen. Specially formulated for textured hair, this serum helps support natural surface microcirculation, slows thinning, and promotes healthy, natural hair growth. It demonstrates a rapid, clear improvement in the hair's condition.
was $60.00 Special Price $43.99